Post COVID Symptoms

Post COVID Symptom Recovery Time

By Dr. Abdul Ahad Hayee

March 29th, 2021

Last updated: March 29th, 2021

How Long Should COVID-19 Symptoms Last

You may be familiar with the more common COVID-19 symptoms - persistent cough, fever or chills, body ache, runny nose, loss of taste or smell. However, there’s still some murkiness surrounding how long these symptoms typically last. Due to the virus’s relative newness, some of the data about recovery can be difficult to decipher.

Typical Recovery Time for COVID-19

The recovery period for COVID-19 can vary significantly from person to person. People who contract the virus recover within a few days to over several weeks. Some people may experience a few mild symptoms that last only for a few days, while others may experience more severe symptoms that linger for weeks.

Lingering Symptoms

Most people who get a positive COVID-19 test make a full recovery within 12 weeks. However, a growing number of people continue to experience the virus’s effects several months after infection. These people may have what has become known as Post-COVID Syndrome or Long COVID.

“Long Haulers”, as these individuals are commonly called, may continue to notice symptoms several months after their initial diagnosis and may even develop more serious complications. Symptoms may be ongoing or intermittent and include: ● Chronic fatigue ● Lingering cough ● Brain fog ● Shortness of breath ● Loss or altered sense of taste or smell ● Body Aches ● Joint pain ● Headaches

Who is at risk for Long COVID?

Research isn’t extremely clear about the link between patients that develop Post-COVID Syndrome. The severity of the infection does not seem to play a huge role. People who had mild symptoms with no hospitalization and people with severe symptoms seem to be equally at risk.

How to Identify Post-COVID Syndrome

It is important to reach out to your medical care provider if your COVID symptoms last longer than average. There is no specific diagnostic test available for Post-COVID Syndrome. Your doctor may run various tests based on your symptoms.

Some of those tests may include physical examinations, blood tests, x-rays, and electrocardiograms. Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome varies depending on the severity. Treatment options can range from over-the-counter supplements and rest to specialized rehabilitation services for more severe cases. If you are experiencing ongoing symptoms related to COVID-19, contact us today to speak with a care team member about our Post-Covid Care program.

By Dr. Abdul Ahad Hayee